Monday, April 6, 2009

The Power of A Smile

This article is very true for the current situation where everything seems very bad, people loosing job everyday, bankruptcy everyday and many people are now out of a shelter to live, why not put a smile on your face and let's begin with a positive mental attitude, change your within and you can expect the change in without!
Let's begin...

Have you ever been around someone who is constantly grumbling about how bad things are? Whether it's something big or something small, they choose to grumble. Life just can't be that hard. Some people just haven't taken the time to realize that what we dwell on is what we create. If we dwell on how bad things are and that thought consumes our days, then we can only bring other bad things into our lives.

Quite a few years ago I met a remarkable little girl named Alahna. Her brother was taking lessons at the karate school. Alahna would come to watch her brother take class. During class she would attempt to do the same movements that her brother was doing while she was watching class. The movements of the martial arts were difficult for Alahna because she was supported by a walker. Alahna needed the walker because she has cerebral palsy. For those unfamiliar with cerebral palsy it is a condition where the brain can't properly tell the muscles what to do. In Alahna's case, the muscles become too tight.

Years have now passed. Instead of watching karate class, Alahna has convinced her parents to let her take karate lessons. This young lady chooses to make the best of what many might perceive as a difficult situation. You can recognize Alahna by her effort and her smile. It's not a once in a while thing. It's an everyday, an every minute thing. Alahna is always smiling. That smile of hers is even there when she's having a tough day or when she is unable to do something during one of her classes. Her incredible smile is the outward sign of the remarkable spirit within.

Alahna is the ultimate example of strength of mind, power of choice, and power of the human spirit. She chooses to live her life to it's fullest and she chooses to live it with that great smile. All of us could learn from this incredible young lady. Our daily struggles pale in comparison to hers. She chooses to fight the good fight and always do it with that ever present smile. Watch her in class sometime and invite anyone that you might know who chooses to complain and gripe about how bad they have it to come over and learn something from Alahna. We should all be so blessed as to have her passion for life. She's an inspiration to all of our students. Be sure to smile.

Make the plan, work the plan,

Fred Nicklaus

About The Author
For tips on raising more Rock Solid Kids visit for free tips on raising your child to be a leader, and for the fitness training that will sky rocket your core body strength, check out

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