Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Year, New Goal!

OK, I must admit that I was too lazy to build my goal in 2008, I got to change and must change, change to a better person.

1. To join the 2009 Millionaire Challenge by January 2, 2009 and post my goals!

2. To slim down to 65kg by April 2009, I m now weight 80kg, it is too fat for an Asian.

3. To setup a complete internet business provide Job & Career Advice and distribution for Feng Shui product by March 2009. (Now in progress)

4. To complete read and understand the 24 weeks Master Key System by July 2009.

5. To read 4 self improvement Books by 2009 (Shortlisted: The Power of Now By Eckhart Tolle / Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker / Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hills / Your Invisible Power by GENEVIEVE BEHREND)

6. To generate additional US$ 1,000 monthly income from internet business begin from July 2009 and will increase by 20% or more every month.

7. To bring my family for a holiday trip to Europe ( France / Germany / UK / Italy / Switzerland / Austria / Spain ) by December 2009 with all expenses paid from my income from internet business.

PROGRESS in January 2009:

1. To join the 2009 Millionaire Challenge by January 2, 2009 and post my goals! -- DONE !!! Yeepie!!!

2. I am now 78KG, keep working....

3. Building the website - almost complete

YES! I am on track to achive success!

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